Thursday, 13 November 2014

Ask Tiny! - Dealing With Bad Days

Yesterday was a pretty bad day for me, in fact probably the worst day this year. Give me bad weather, stress at work and a deteriorating immune system, and you get a sad Tiny. You can't really stop a bad day affecting you, but there's definitely things that you can do to make your day slightly better.

1. Talk About It (or blog about it!)

Keeping things bottled in is never good for you. Look around you, there's so many people who will be there for you if you reach out. Family, friends and partners are the best people to talk to and support you when you are going through a pretty bad day.

2. Try to Think About Positives

Despite what you may think, little things that happened in the day may cloud your judgement on the whole day. If you think back to the positives (and this can be hard), you may actually realise that the day wasn't as bad as you originally thought. Glass half full right? :)

3. Watch Funny Videos (preferably ones with cute animals in)

Laughter is the best remedy, and watching a cute red panda being scared out of its wits literally made my day. I would suggest a good 30 minutes of YouTube compilations to get that smile back on your face.

4. Exercise

Not the first that would come to mind, but definitely something that helps you relax. A bit of yoga or jogging gives you a chance to either stretch out those limbs or get some fresh air. Both are great for calming you down and getting all that bottled up stress out. Plus you get your fitness done for the day and minimises the chance of stress spots appearing on your face.

5. Have a Bath or Long Warm Shower

Baths and showers seem to have to amazing affect where they make a lot of what makes a bad day disappear. Bubble baths are my favourite, because who can deny the joy of playing with bubbles?

6. Listen to Music

Music has the power to change your emotions or embody your emotions, and it's a great way of turning a bad day around. Get those headphones out and have a good time just chilling or reading a book. Personally I love using Spotify and listening to my Rainy Day Playlist.

What do you do when you're going through a bad day? Let me know in the comments below!


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